Frequently Asked Questions
What you need to know about Connexus Labs
No. IPC will support your project in Connexus Labs for as long as required. Connexus Labs can also be used as a permanent UAT or QA development environment to allow teams to have dedicated access to IPC products & services for any new development project.
Unfortunately Connexus Labs is a development only environment and does not support production deployments. Through the IPC partner program IPC is able to work with your teams to support the evolution of your application from Connexus Labs to public, private and hybrid cloud infrastructure providers.
Connexus Labs is currently located in the UK Equinix LD4 data centre with plans for instances to be deployed in NY4 & SG2 Equinix data centres.
This would need to be reviewed with the IPC development team to ensure the amount of required hardware can be accommodated in our hosting environment and any commercial and legal concerns are addressed. But conceptually, third party hardware can be installed into Connexus Labs.
IPC has invested in Connexus Labs to drive customer adoption of new technologies that are integrated with IPC products, not deploy a platform that would be price prohibitive for customers to deploy projects in Connexus Labs. There are costs associated for any project to be deployed in a hosted environment, but IPC will work with our customers and partners to negate or minimize these costs wherever possible.
Yes. Through the Connexus Cloud platform customers are able to connect applications hosted in Connexus Labs to customer production sites connected to Connexus Cloud to support end user beta trials or QA product evaluation testing.
Yes. The Connexus Labs development team can provide support for architecture & design consultancy and, where required, can work with your development teams to support any software development requirements. Each customer request would be reviewed to understand project requirements and build a scope of work that would then be agreed upon by the customer or partner prior to commencing any software development.